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Dry Eye Center

Find lasting relief at our Dry Eye Center, where we specialize in diagnosing and treating chronic dry eye. We customize each treatment at our Dry Eye Center in Jeffersonville, Indiana, to address the specific nature of disorders that can affect various parts of the eye’s surface. The advanced technology available at Dr. Black’s Eye Associates enables our eye doctors to accurately diagnose the underlying causes of a patient’s dry, irritated, or painful eyes.

In fact, our facility is one of the only dry eye centers in the Louisville and Southern Indiana area equipped with a full range of diagnostic tools for ocular surface disease — which is one of the most common reasons for people to visit an eye doctor.


When you visit one of our many locations in the Kentuckiana region, we first have you complete a questionnaire called a SPEED test. This typically takes only a couple of minutes and gives your eye doctor a baseline assessment to gauge the impact dry eye is having on your quality of life. After evaluating your eye’s surface with a special microscope, the doctor may recommend some additional tests before creating a specific treatment plan.

Don’t let dry eyes disrupt your life.

Our specialized care addresses the root causes of dryness, providing effective relief and restoring eye comfort. Experience clearer vision and enhanced well-being with our expert treatments. Prioritize your eye health today.